Friendly, self-deprecating, and clever, Steve Windels is a professional wildlife biologist by day, stand-up comedian by night who gives a unique perspective on not just the mysteries of the animal kingdom but life in general as a middle-aged divorced dad trying to figure out where he fits on this goofy planet. He is also an actual expert on beaver biology, aka The Beaver Doctor, but he doesn’t think your little jokes are funny and he doesn’t want to talk about it so quit asking. Though Steve is relatively new to performing stand-up comedy, he has been public speaking as part of his professional work for over 25 years, during which time he has garnered a reputation for giving some of the funniest and most entertaining scientific presentations around and he is frequently invited to speak in front of large audiences around the country. Before moving to the Twin Cities, he lived in the famed “Icebox of the Nation” International Falls, MN for 21 years, where he kept his two daughters mostly safe from frostbite and random bear attacks.